Thursday, August 6, 2009

VoIP - ISP's Need To Improve for SMEs to Take Up Online Phone Calls

I'm Metrofon manager in a small UK company whose portfolio also includes looking after the company's send sms to mobile and telecommunications. On a daily basis I am contacted by telecom firms asking me if they can take 'just 10 minutes of my time to save me 60% on my phone bills or similar'. Now these guys are not selling VoIP but something called carrier pre-select. That's when you pay your line rental to one company and pay for your call charges to another, who will charge you at a lower rate than the line rental company.

I have to say these guys are seasoned telesales people. They know every trick in the book to keep you talking, a few haven't even got the hint from my standard line of 'I need to finish this conversation now and hang up the phone'. Anyway to get me a better line to tell these guy's I'd love to be able to say 'were on internet fax service and you Metrofon compete with those prices'. However, I can't use Adsl Technology line yet. Why? Because my ISP connection uptime is not reliable enough to switch.

A few weeks ago after a thunderstorm we lost full ADSL connection in one of our branches for three days. Now if that werent bad enough to lose e-mail capability and the various web sites crucial to the running of our business, if we had lost phone capability as well then as a recruitment agency we would have lost both business and customers.

This is not the only service outage we have experienced, I would approximate that once a month we can expect to lose service for at least 3 hours in one of our branches. You might suggest that I move to a more reputable supplier, however we are with one of the largest and most well known ISP's in the UK, so we do not Internet Tutorial have the option of changing to a different supplier. Until the ISPs can guarantee a better continuation of service then I shant be recommending VoIP to our Managing Director for his business.

Mike Bromley 2005

Business VoIP is a resource site for all things VoIP.

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