Thursday, July 16, 2009

Common Internet Marketing Mistake Can Devastate Your Business

One of the most interesting sales people I ever talked to was streamyx promotion network marketing and direct sales master named Glenn Turner.

Not necessarily because he gave network maintenance lot of good advice on selling, ethics and dealing with people (he internet providers a true pro at these things), but because one thing he said is probably going to be saving me, Broadband Modem Router family and my Internet marketing business from putting up with a lot of grief later on down the line.

In fact, this secret he told me is something I believe every single Internet marketer should take to heart and consider from here on out.

And that is, warner cable modem rental messing around when it comes to refunding people's money.

Even if you know you're Streamyx Hotspot the right and they high speed internet access follow their end of the agreement, and even if you know you are following the law to the letter.


Because you simply never know who you're dealing with.

Especially if you are selling to people on the Internet.

For example, Glenn told me about how one of his business opportunity companies he had back in 1967 was accused of being a "lottery" and shut down.

Now, Glenn was doing everything by the book and legally he had everything in line.

But what happened was a couple of people had gotten into his business, and it didnt work for them, and they wanted their money back, even though they didn't qualify for a refund and Glenn had done nothing wrong.

And so, doing what most people would do, he didnt give it back to them.

Only problem was, these two guys were both Attorney Generals and so it wasn't hard for them to use their influence and power to have Glenn shut down.

The point of the story?

You never know who you're selling to.

The obnoxious guy with the "hotmail" email address and phony name who is demanding his money back could be connected in ways that can have a very negative impact on you, your business and your life.

And so I now almost always give refunds. Even when I know I'm right.

Yes, there are exceptions to this (I'm not a pushover by any means), but for the most part, I believe in giving tm streamyx com and immediate refunds.

Not only does it Dsl Lite a good image for you as a trusted, honest person, but it can save you a lot of grief later on if someone really wants to take their anger out on you by trying to sue you or report you to some "alphabet" federal regulatory agency.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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